Tuesday, November 4, 2008

If I Just Hadn't...

If I just hadn't cheated this weekend I wonder what would have happened? I was a little stressed this weekend, running in between Collierville, White Haven, and Midtown. So I may have snuck a little ice cream from Mom and Pops. And I may have stolen a little bit of Halloween candy...it was Halloween. And I may have eaten a few other things that I should not have.

But, the worst part? I only worked out 3 times last week! OMG!!! What was I thinking? If I am trying to lose 50 pounds by 12/31/2008, I need every calorie to count and every workout to be heartpounding and exhausting. So I might have beat myself up a little on Monday and today. But, after my run, which was only4.5 miles, I took off my shoes and braved the scale.

Normally I won't look until I have taken a full breath and the scale has calculated. But this time I thought, "you need to watch and see what all this cheating and slacking has done to you this week." So I watched the number go up. Then in the midst of all my shame, I had actually dropped 5 pounds. WHAT?!?!?!? No way!!!

Needless to say, I was 5 pounds closer to my goal. So, instead of 26 pounds left to go, I only have 21. Now, that means I have to lose 10 pounds per month to reach my goal. Keep in mind we have Thanksgiving, Christmas and Chanukah coming up. No, I am not Jewish. But there will be so many temptations.

Anywho, which brings me to my point. What if I had not cheated all week and hit my workouts hard? Perhaps I would only have 18 pounds to go as opposed to 21? Who knows. All I know is seeing these results has really made me want to stick to eating right and working out. Bob had a great idea. If you feel like skipping a work out, fill a back pack up with the weight you have lost, then walk up and down the stairs. Feel the difference in the weight you have lost and if you had gained it all back. That Bob is so smart.

Monday, November 3, 2008

Biggest Loser not on

Okay, so I am a little mad the biggest loser will not be on tomorrow. I don't really feel the need to watch polls close and see who wins. How unpatriotic of me, right? I don't care. I would much rather see America get healthier than see a bunch of idiots act like they are perfect and their opponent is the devil. If I see another freakin' Obama commercial I am going to puke. I must watch a lot of Democratic TV. Oh, maybe we can put Heba and Sarah Palin in a room and see who wins? I bet on Heba- she is an insane woman. Anyway, go vote, and watch the Biggest Loser next week.