Friday, November 21, 2008

Things That Make Me Happy

  • zinny snuggling me in the morning
  • zelda on nintendo 64
  • bubble lights on christmas trees
  • jon's quarky sense of humor
  • date night in the middle of the week
  • boone's cold nose
  • 365 ways to wok
  • pilates reformer machines
  • the one dollar bet
  • "grand-dogs" comments
  • mashed potatoes and mac and cheese
  • dyno- dynamites
  • warm socks
  • the nelson laugh
  • tom jones songs
  • making people laugh
  • getting off of work early
  • caramel cake
  • purple ball point pens
  • emails that make my superiors stand up and listen
  • driving fast down an empty road
  • false eyelashes
  • drawing
  • hearts
  • harry potter books
  • my kitty cats
  • new shoes
  • a clean house

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Plateau Schmateau

so today i got a little down... i finally am admitting i might have hit a plateau. i was excited to see all my hard work and effort show up on the scale. but, i think that has come to a screeching halt. i was excited to get on the scale and see 32 pounds gone. yea me!!!! then i got on again, 32 pounds gone. yea me!!! then again, 32, um yea me?

i am starting to get slightly discouraged. not enough to quit what i am doing, but enough to start disliking it. i am going to try a few different classes at the gym next week, maybe try some new foods for breakfast and dinner and drink lots of water.

oh and to top it all off...i get back from the gym today, i am eating my chicken Cesar salad (it is Chicken Cesar Salad Thursday!), and dumb admin dude brings a Victoria Secret catalog to my desk. Those damn skinny models with their big hair and their airbrushed faces... oh, i don't really even care.

but if anyone reading this has any ideas please shout them out!

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Mirror without a Face

So, this week I have decided no to look into the mirror for as long as possible. My goal is to make it until December 6th when I have a hair appointment. I think I can do this! I can put on my makeup without a mirror (sans eyeliner) and I rarely due my hair in such a way that it would require a mirror. So I will just have to avert my eyes when I go into the bathroom at work and when I go to the gym, which is lined in mirrors. Maybe I will just run outside for 2 weeks. This also means I will not be able to look at pictures of myself, like at the Turpin Turkey Trot!

okay, I have a new idea. I will practice not looking in the mirror until Sunday, after Jon and I do holiday pictures, then i will institute the no mirror rule.

por que? i see myself all the time. some people, damie ah hum, like to think i look at myself too much. maybe i do? if i don't look at myself for a few weeks who knows that i will discover! maybe i will find something about myself that i usually overlook? or maybe i will find something i want to change? or maybe i will see more of my mom or my dad in my looks. this could be fun! at least very educational. let ya know how it goes.

Monday, November 17, 2008

Running and Thinking

I ran outside today because I left my IPod at home and had nothing to entertain myself.  As I was winding my way through the brush, the trees, the leaves, the traffic of runners, the buildings and the occasional lunch goer attempting not to run over me, I got to thinking.  Kelly from Regis and Kelly has been logging 20 miles a week.  I think it is for charity or for the earth or something, I forgot.  But, as I went by mile 3 and hit mile 4, I said to myself, I run around 20 miles a week.  I should probably start to log them too so I can see what I really am doing.  Then I had a monumental thought; every mile I run gets me one more mile away from who I was, and one more mile closer to who I want to be.  As cliche as it sounds, I felt it was really true at that moment.  Every time my legs hurt, every time it takes me a minute to catch my breath, every time my stomach starts to cramp up, I am actually making myself a little bit better and stronger.  I couldn't have said these things 6 months ago.  Losing weight isn't the only thing that is changing for me.  I have become more organized (Damie input joke here), I try and prioritize what is important to me, I can offer people advice on working out or dieting without feeling like a hypocrite.  I am not addicted to running or working out even.  I have more days where all I want to do is stay in bed with Zinny and not get up and go to the gym.  But, knowing I am happier every day that I do this one thing for myself is keeping me going.