Thursday, November 20, 2008

Plateau Schmateau

so today i got a little down... i finally am admitting i might have hit a plateau. i was excited to see all my hard work and effort show up on the scale. but, i think that has come to a screeching halt. i was excited to get on the scale and see 32 pounds gone. yea me!!!! then i got on again, 32 pounds gone. yea me!!! then again, 32, um yea me?

i am starting to get slightly discouraged. not enough to quit what i am doing, but enough to start disliking it. i am going to try a few different classes at the gym next week, maybe try some new foods for breakfast and dinner and drink lots of water.

oh and to top it all off...i get back from the gym today, i am eating my chicken Cesar salad (it is Chicken Cesar Salad Thursday!), and dumb admin dude brings a Victoria Secret catalog to my desk. Those damn skinny models with their big hair and their airbrushed faces... oh, i don't really even care.

but if anyone reading this has any ideas please shout them out!

1 comment:

Laura said...

Oatmeal. That's my b-fast weapon of choice. Oh and even normal athletic girls look fat next to the Victoria Secret catalog girls! :)