Monday, October 6, 2008

Hello Baby!

Taylor Marie

My good friend, Michelle with 2 l's, (Michele with 1 l is still cookin'!) just had he second baby last week. Taylor Marie came on October 2, at 12:01 pm. She was 7 lbs. 9 oz. and 21 inches long.

I went to visit mom, dad and baby in the hospital. Dad looked worse off than mom. In fact, mom yelled at me for not coming up the previous day (the 2nd). After explaining I thought she might want some rest and maybe a little privacy to feed and tend to the baby, she laughed, but said I was not to let it happen again. Dad (extremely tired) half- heartedly laughed at my jokes about the baby's ethnicity (you had to be there). I watched the birthing video, nothing to graphic, thank goodness. I laughed as I watched dad cut the cord while recording- Bryan is a man of many talents.

I got to hold baby Taylor and explain to her that her birthday is my half birthday. And that my birthday is her half birthday. Then I also explained that we had the same middle name and that her mommy "stole" my girl's name, Taylor, but that it was ok, she could have it.

She cooed a little, she opened her eyes and tried to find out what was going on around her, and she started getting a little hungry. She let out a few funny noises that sounded less like coos and more like high pitched sighs.

Then she got very hungry and fussy. So I passed her back to mommy, told everyone congrats and went on my merry way. Taylor is so cute and adorable and will probably be a great kid, but there is nothing like a crying baby that makes you want to stay on birth control. That and the children who seem to be at the Red Robin every time we go eat there.

big brother was very excited!

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