Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Puppy Love

This is "Beary". He is a 6 month old Rottweiler puppy that we met this weekend at Hollywood Feed.

His Story:

He was chained up and left outside to be a guard dog. Not long after his owner died and he was left behind when the family came and got the dead guy's possessions. I have little sympathy for people who treat animals this way. You can train your dog to be a guard dog and treat your animal humanely. And if something happens to you and your family won't take responsibility for the pet, don't get one. Luckily the neighbors called the people at dogs2ndchance.org and not the shelter.

Beary is now happy and healthy living with a foster mom. He has been neutered, his dewclaws removed and his tail was cropped as a small puppy. He is up to date on his shots and seems to be in great health. He is super happy and full of life. He got along well with Zinny and Boone and really enjoyed being in human company.

If I could have, I would have adopted him right then and there. But, we don't have room for another one. He was such a great dog. If you or anyone you know is thinking of getting a large dog and would take good care of him, I would be more than happy to put you in touch with Linda at Dogs 2nd Chance. Or, if you or anyone you know wants to foster Beary, that is great too.

It really does take a special kind of person to open their home to those less fortunate and I am so glad I know many of these people. Feel free to pass this on to anyone you know who might be interested!


Laura said...

Thanks for positing this! I just sent in an application to be a foster home. I've really wanted to volunteer in some aspect with homeless animals for a while now and your post reminded me of that! Thanks!!!

Bookie-Roo said...

Laura- Thanks for putting in an application to foster! I am so glad I know people like you! I would love to foster once we get a bigger place. Luckily, a friend of a friend contacted me and wanted the contact information for Beary. She already has a Rott and seemed really interested in him. Hopefully he will go to a good home. Latte is super lucky to have you!

Damie said...

He looks really, really sweet. That is awesome that Laura is going to foster!!!

Laura said...

I met Beary last night. He might be the one who works out for my foster with Latte. Either him, or Bitsy the female lab something mix. We'll see next weekend!

Damie said...

hmmmm somebody no update blog?!?