Thursday, October 2, 2008

Revenge of the Pilates Master

Thursday afternoons have basically been the same for the last 19 weeks, I go to the cafeteria, I get a Chicken Cesar Salad, I go to Pilates, I go to my desk, then I eat my well deserved salad. I have a wonderful Pilate’s teacher. Her name is Simone. It is pronounced like this: see-moan-ee.

Simone is from Brazil. She is 5"6 and weighs about 100 lbs. She has uber-long platinum blonde hair (which is natural). All she does is teach Pilates all day, so you can only imagine what her body is like: tone, thin, long. She has blue eyes, a fair complexion and great skin. Think you would hate her right?? Nope, she is so cute and sweet and sometimes gets her words mixed up that you can't help but adore her. She really is super cool and I love taking her class, we all do. That is why we have done it for 19 weeks.

But, today I was fed up with the Brazilian bombshell. After class was over, I was fuming. Why on earth did she spend so much time correcting other people in class? She shows them how to hold their heads, how to place their arms and legs, how to breathe correctly. Why won't she show me? Every time she walked by me she would just smile and count, but not a word of encouragement or any help.

So I had had enough. After 18 weeks of Pilates I was going to ask her why she doesn't help me in class. I marched right up to her and said, "um, hey Simone. You never correct me in class. And you seem to spend a lot of time with the other students. What am I doing wrong?" She looked at me stunned. Then, in her fun Brazilian accent she said, "You have great posture and really understand the principles behind Pilates and the breathing. I never thought I had to correct you."

I sheepishly thanked her and tried to laugh it off. "So I am good?" "You are very guuud in this class!" She answered.

Maybe next time I will give myself more credit. I love Pilates! I am very guuud at it...ha ha ha.


Mommy of THREE little MONKEYS said...

i ALWAYS knew you were the best!

Damie said...

hmmmm...there is not a competitive bone in your body. nope! i get corrected allllll of the time, and I am the opposite. I think- stop correcting me!