Monday, October 20, 2008

Wanted: NO Running Partner

  • Must always bail out on me, but calls after I have reached the running destination.

  • Must show up hurt and unable to run, but comes for moral support and a cold water.

  • Must want to sleep in on Saturdays and put off running until later.

  • Must make plans to do a charity run and then wait until I have signed up to withdrawal their promise.

I always read those articles about how having a work out buddy makes you more accountable for your workouts. Well, I must pick some pretty bad work out partners, because I tend to be the only one who shows up a lot of times. But, truth be told, that is ok with me. I am around people all day, I go home and people are there, people are on tv, people are on the radio. What do I do when I don't want to be around people?

Answer: work out. People tend to bail a lot. I have found that I like working out by myself. Now, the occasional company is nice, but I don't want to start making plans and arranging schedules. I have realized that I can throw on my headphones and head out for an hour or so on my own.

I can clear my mind of everything. It is just me and the pavement. Pounding, pounding, pounding.

Sometimes I like to listen to my music loud, these are days I am feeling unmotivated. I need a little beat to keep me going. "Kickstart My Heart" by Motley Crue is my Power Song. Nothing like a drug overdosing 80's rock star to get you moving.

But then there are those days when I keep the music low, just low enough so I don't escape reality. These are the best days. I listen to my breathing, I count my steps, I feel my quads burn, my calves burn, my lungs burn. I know that what I am doing it strengthening me both on the inside and the out. My legs are getting stronger, my lungs are expanding, my brain is being activated. With each step I am becoming more patient, I am becoming more disciplined, I am becoming stronger-willed.

So, let me have my 80's hair bands and a little room, but no running partner please.

1 comment:

Damie said...

and after all of those times you made fun of my hair band posters on my wall! I think I am a good workout partner...aren't I? Hey, great job on the 22lbs GONE!!!! Awesome!!!!