Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Mirror without a Face

So, this week I have decided no to look into the mirror for as long as possible. My goal is to make it until December 6th when I have a hair appointment. I think I can do this! I can put on my makeup without a mirror (sans eyeliner) and I rarely due my hair in such a way that it would require a mirror. So I will just have to avert my eyes when I go into the bathroom at work and when I go to the gym, which is lined in mirrors. Maybe I will just run outside for 2 weeks. This also means I will not be able to look at pictures of myself, like at the Turpin Turkey Trot!

okay, I have a new idea. I will practice not looking in the mirror until Sunday, after Jon and I do holiday pictures, then i will institute the no mirror rule.

por que? i see myself all the time. some people, damie ah hum, like to think i look at myself too much. maybe i do? if i don't look at myself for a few weeks who knows that i will discover! maybe i will find something about myself that i usually overlook? or maybe i will find something i want to change? or maybe i will see more of my mom or my dad in my looks. this could be fun! at least very educational. let ya know how it goes.


Damie said...

What if you have morphed into Zinny? They say dogs and owners look alike. Or even Boone???

Mommy of THREE little MONKEYS said...

I just LOVE reading your blog! You make me laugh!!! Good luck with the mirror thing

Laura said...

Wow, that's quite a thought. I never really thought about how much I looked into mirrors! Props to you for being able to put makeup on without it! I'd have to go sans makeup if I didn't use a mirror and I might scare people at work if I did that - LOL.