Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Biggest Loser Finale

I am so happy for Michelle. She totally deserved everything on her win. She looked fantastic and you could tell she felt fantastic.

I thought the Heba/Ed thing was pretty funny. Maybe you shouldn't be sucha meanie and then have the American people vote or not vote for you? are ruthless and mean and you didn't even win. Karma is a bitch. Now go spend time with your kids and maybe see a therapist.

Michelle- you rule!!!!!!

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Indoor Dog Park

i have a great idea, please no one steal it. what about an indoor dog park? it's raining, it's cold, it is a million degrees out and you don't want to walk the dog. what do you do? what about an indoor dog park? for a nominal fee you can bring your dog in. they can play, socialize, learn agility skills, run around and get all that energy out. you get a happier dog and socializing too! i think it is a win-win situation. what does everyone think? i want to open an indoor dog park. there can be doggie day care, training classes, onsite wellness services, grooming, and even an outdoor area! i think it is awesome, but that is my opinion. would you tkae your dog there? would you recommend someone take their dog there?

Monday, December 8, 2008



the mirror thing was HARD...try it.  i realized that  it was harder to do than i thought,that my eyes are the window to my soul, soft, serious and completely trustworthy.  my wrinkles are not as bad as originally thought, but still bug me.  

i am "obsessed" ok i really like ugly betty.  even jon has gotten into it.

i can basically do anything i want and am going to start a list  of things i want to accomplish. 

i am going to write on my blog more.

i am a llama...ha ha ha   

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

No Mirror: Day 1

wow, so i never realized how hard it would be to put on all my makeup without a mirror. no biggie though. i got the essentials on, even some mascara and a little eyeliner. i have no idea how i look, because i am not going to ask anyone either. i am just going to pretend i did it in the mirror and i wanted to look this way. if anyone says anything, i will ask them to fix it. other than that, everything else still feels pretty normal. i guess we will have to see how it goes for the next few days.

Friday, November 21, 2008

Things That Make Me Happy

  • zinny snuggling me in the morning
  • zelda on nintendo 64
  • bubble lights on christmas trees
  • jon's quarky sense of humor
  • date night in the middle of the week
  • boone's cold nose
  • 365 ways to wok
  • pilates reformer machines
  • the one dollar bet
  • "grand-dogs" comments
  • mashed potatoes and mac and cheese
  • dyno- dynamites
  • warm socks
  • the nelson laugh
  • tom jones songs
  • making people laugh
  • getting off of work early
  • caramel cake
  • purple ball point pens
  • emails that make my superiors stand up and listen
  • driving fast down an empty road
  • false eyelashes
  • drawing
  • hearts
  • harry potter books
  • my kitty cats
  • new shoes
  • a clean house

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Plateau Schmateau

so today i got a little down... i finally am admitting i might have hit a plateau. i was excited to see all my hard work and effort show up on the scale. but, i think that has come to a screeching halt. i was excited to get on the scale and see 32 pounds gone. yea me!!!! then i got on again, 32 pounds gone. yea me!!! then again, 32, um yea me?

i am starting to get slightly discouraged. not enough to quit what i am doing, but enough to start disliking it. i am going to try a few different classes at the gym next week, maybe try some new foods for breakfast and dinner and drink lots of water.

oh and to top it all off...i get back from the gym today, i am eating my chicken Cesar salad (it is Chicken Cesar Salad Thursday!), and dumb admin dude brings a Victoria Secret catalog to my desk. Those damn skinny models with their big hair and their airbrushed faces... oh, i don't really even care.

but if anyone reading this has any ideas please shout them out!

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Mirror without a Face

So, this week I have decided no to look into the mirror for as long as possible. My goal is to make it until December 6th when I have a hair appointment. I think I can do this! I can put on my makeup without a mirror (sans eyeliner) and I rarely due my hair in such a way that it would require a mirror. So I will just have to avert my eyes when I go into the bathroom at work and when I go to the gym, which is lined in mirrors. Maybe I will just run outside for 2 weeks. This also means I will not be able to look at pictures of myself, like at the Turpin Turkey Trot!

okay, I have a new idea. I will practice not looking in the mirror until Sunday, after Jon and I do holiday pictures, then i will institute the no mirror rule.

por que? i see myself all the time. some people, damie ah hum, like to think i look at myself too much. maybe i do? if i don't look at myself for a few weeks who knows that i will discover! maybe i will find something about myself that i usually overlook? or maybe i will find something i want to change? or maybe i will see more of my mom or my dad in my looks. this could be fun! at least very educational. let ya know how it goes.

Monday, November 17, 2008

Running and Thinking

I ran outside today because I left my IPod at home and had nothing to entertain myself.  As I was winding my way through the brush, the trees, the leaves, the traffic of runners, the buildings and the occasional lunch goer attempting not to run over me, I got to thinking.  Kelly from Regis and Kelly has been logging 20 miles a week.  I think it is for charity or for the earth or something, I forgot.  But, as I went by mile 3 and hit mile 4, I said to myself, I run around 20 miles a week.  I should probably start to log them too so I can see what I really am doing.  Then I had a monumental thought; every mile I run gets me one more mile away from who I was, and one more mile closer to who I want to be.  As cliche as it sounds, I felt it was really true at that moment.  Every time my legs hurt, every time it takes me a minute to catch my breath, every time my stomach starts to cramp up, I am actually making myself a little bit better and stronger.  I couldn't have said these things 6 months ago.  Losing weight isn't the only thing that is changing for me.  I have become more organized (Damie input joke here), I try and prioritize what is important to me, I can offer people advice on working out or dieting without feeling like a hypocrite.  I am not addicted to running or working out even.  I have more days where all I want to do is stay in bed with Zinny and not get up and go to the gym.  But, knowing I am happier every day that I do this one thing for myself is keeping me going.         

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Random Musings

I haven't written in a while, so here it goes: I am totally stressed at work. Zinny Bear was AWESOME at the vet Wednesday, no muzzle or anything. I have been sneaking in my workouts. It's hard, but I am getting them done. I actually had money in my Christmas Account. Jon and I got into an argument last night about what he eats. He doesn't know it, but I will be fixing him breakfast tomorrow morning. Bobby thinks Boone is retarded... duh Bob.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

If I Just Hadn't...

If I just hadn't cheated this weekend I wonder what would have happened? I was a little stressed this weekend, running in between Collierville, White Haven, and Midtown. So I may have snuck a little ice cream from Mom and Pops. And I may have stolen a little bit of Halloween was Halloween. And I may have eaten a few other things that I should not have.

But, the worst part? I only worked out 3 times last week! OMG!!! What was I thinking? If I am trying to lose 50 pounds by 12/31/2008, I need every calorie to count and every workout to be heartpounding and exhausting. So I might have beat myself up a little on Monday and today. But, after my run, which was only4.5 miles, I took off my shoes and braved the scale.

Normally I won't look until I have taken a full breath and the scale has calculated. But this time I thought, "you need to watch and see what all this cheating and slacking has done to you this week." So I watched the number go up. Then in the midst of all my shame, I had actually dropped 5 pounds. WHAT?!?!?!? No way!!!

Needless to say, I was 5 pounds closer to my goal. So, instead of 26 pounds left to go, I only have 21. Now, that means I have to lose 10 pounds per month to reach my goal. Keep in mind we have Thanksgiving, Christmas and Chanukah coming up. No, I am not Jewish. But there will be so many temptations.

Anywho, which brings me to my point. What if I had not cheated all week and hit my workouts hard? Perhaps I would only have 18 pounds to go as opposed to 21? Who knows. All I know is seeing these results has really made me want to stick to eating right and working out. Bob had a great idea. If you feel like skipping a work out, fill a back pack up with the weight you have lost, then walk up and down the stairs. Feel the difference in the weight you have lost and if you had gained it all back. That Bob is so smart.

Monday, November 3, 2008

Biggest Loser not on

Okay, so I am a little mad the biggest loser will not be on tomorrow. I don't really feel the need to watch polls close and see who wins. How unpatriotic of me, right? I don't care. I would much rather see America get healthier than see a bunch of idiots act like they are perfect and their opponent is the devil. If I see another freakin' Obama commercial I am going to puke. I must watch a lot of Democratic TV. Oh, maybe we can put Heba and Sarah Palin in a room and see who wins? I bet on Heba- she is an insane woman. Anyway, go vote, and watch the Biggest Loser next week.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

DOTS- Evil Craving

DOTS are evil little candies made by the Tootsie Company. During Halloween you can find them in little pocket size boxes that holds 5 or 6 little gum drops from heaven.
I have a serious problem with DOTS. I LOVE THEM!!! I hate this time of year because I can get away with snagging a few boxes. All they are made of is sugar, gelatin and artificial flavoring. Doesn't that sound delicious? And for some reason I can't keep my hands off of them. I can't wait for Halloween to be over.
The rest of the year DOTS only come in large boxes, and I know better then to get those! Why can't I keep my hands off these wonderful little treats? I will prevail. Rocky Theme song just came on. I will triumphantly walk by those DOTS and not grab any!!!

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Soldier Returns Home, Greeted By Dogs

A video titled: "My Dogs greeting me after returning from 14 months in Iraq". God bless and save all of those defending us abroad. And their dogs waiting for them patiently at home:

Britney Spears

Okay, so I totally think she is a Fruit Loop, but I have to admit I am insanely jealous of her. I wish I could go dance all day and have someone cook for me and run me around all day so I could look super hot in my videos! Honestly, I liked Joel McHale's version of Womanizer on The Soup better, but she really does look hot in her new video. When she gained some weight I never thought she looked that bad, but some superficial people might disagree. But, now that she is back with a new single, she looks better than ever, in my opinion.

If you ever need a little incentive to get a great body, watch "Slave for You", " My Prerogative", "Womanizer" and "Stronger". Seriously, the girl is ripped in ways I could only dream about. Maybe not muscle rip, but good body rip! And you know she likes her some Taco Hell!

So I guess we say goodbye to the crazy, British accent Britney and say hello to an older, maybe better version of Brit! Ya! All hail crazy blonde girl!

Monday, October 20, 2008

Wanted: NO Running Partner

  • Must always bail out on me, but calls after I have reached the running destination.

  • Must show up hurt and unable to run, but comes for moral support and a cold water.

  • Must want to sleep in on Saturdays and put off running until later.

  • Must make plans to do a charity run and then wait until I have signed up to withdrawal their promise.

I always read those articles about how having a work out buddy makes you more accountable for your workouts. Well, I must pick some pretty bad work out partners, because I tend to be the only one who shows up a lot of times. But, truth be told, that is ok with me. I am around people all day, I go home and people are there, people are on tv, people are on the radio. What do I do when I don't want to be around people?

Answer: work out. People tend to bail a lot. I have found that I like working out by myself. Now, the occasional company is nice, but I don't want to start making plans and arranging schedules. I have realized that I can throw on my headphones and head out for an hour or so on my own.

I can clear my mind of everything. It is just me and the pavement. Pounding, pounding, pounding.

Sometimes I like to listen to my music loud, these are days I am feeling unmotivated. I need a little beat to keep me going. "Kickstart My Heart" by Motley Crue is my Power Song. Nothing like a drug overdosing 80's rock star to get you moving.

But then there are those days when I keep the music low, just low enough so I don't escape reality. These are the best days. I listen to my breathing, I count my steps, I feel my quads burn, my calves burn, my lungs burn. I know that what I am doing it strengthening me both on the inside and the out. My legs are getting stronger, my lungs are expanding, my brain is being activated. With each step I am becoming more patient, I am becoming more disciplined, I am becoming stronger-willed.

So, let me have my 80's hair bands and a little room, but no running partner please.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Puppy Love

This is "Beary". He is a 6 month old Rottweiler puppy that we met this weekend at Hollywood Feed.

His Story:

He was chained up and left outside to be a guard dog. Not long after his owner died and he was left behind when the family came and got the dead guy's possessions. I have little sympathy for people who treat animals this way. You can train your dog to be a guard dog and treat your animal humanely. And if something happens to you and your family won't take responsibility for the pet, don't get one. Luckily the neighbors called the people at and not the shelter.

Beary is now happy and healthy living with a foster mom. He has been neutered, his dewclaws removed and his tail was cropped as a small puppy. He is up to date on his shots and seems to be in great health. He is super happy and full of life. He got along well with Zinny and Boone and really enjoyed being in human company.

If I could have, I would have adopted him right then and there. But, we don't have room for another one. He was such a great dog. If you or anyone you know is thinking of getting a large dog and would take good care of him, I would be more than happy to put you in touch with Linda at Dogs 2nd Chance. Or, if you or anyone you know wants to foster Beary, that is great too.

It really does take a special kind of person to open their home to those less fortunate and I am so glad I know many of these people. Feel free to pass this on to anyone you know who might be interested!

Monday, October 6, 2008

Hello Baby!

Taylor Marie

My good friend, Michelle with 2 l's, (Michele with 1 l is still cookin'!) just had he second baby last week. Taylor Marie came on October 2, at 12:01 pm. She was 7 lbs. 9 oz. and 21 inches long.

I went to visit mom, dad and baby in the hospital. Dad looked worse off than mom. In fact, mom yelled at me for not coming up the previous day (the 2nd). After explaining I thought she might want some rest and maybe a little privacy to feed and tend to the baby, she laughed, but said I was not to let it happen again. Dad (extremely tired) half- heartedly laughed at my jokes about the baby's ethnicity (you had to be there). I watched the birthing video, nothing to graphic, thank goodness. I laughed as I watched dad cut the cord while recording- Bryan is a man of many talents.

I got to hold baby Taylor and explain to her that her birthday is my half birthday. And that my birthday is her half birthday. Then I also explained that we had the same middle name and that her mommy "stole" my girl's name, Taylor, but that it was ok, she could have it.

She cooed a little, she opened her eyes and tried to find out what was going on around her, and she started getting a little hungry. She let out a few funny noises that sounded less like coos and more like high pitched sighs.

Then she got very hungry and fussy. So I passed her back to mommy, told everyone congrats and went on my merry way. Taylor is so cute and adorable and will probably be a great kid, but there is nothing like a crying baby that makes you want to stay on birth control. That and the children who seem to be at the Red Robin every time we go eat there.

big brother was very excited!

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Revenge of the Pilates Master

Thursday afternoons have basically been the same for the last 19 weeks, I go to the cafeteria, I get a Chicken Cesar Salad, I go to Pilates, I go to my desk, then I eat my well deserved salad. I have a wonderful Pilate’s teacher. Her name is Simone. It is pronounced like this: see-moan-ee.

Simone is from Brazil. She is 5"6 and weighs about 100 lbs. She has uber-long platinum blonde hair (which is natural). All she does is teach Pilates all day, so you can only imagine what her body is like: tone, thin, long. She has blue eyes, a fair complexion and great skin. Think you would hate her right?? Nope, she is so cute and sweet and sometimes gets her words mixed up that you can't help but adore her. She really is super cool and I love taking her class, we all do. That is why we have done it for 19 weeks.

But, today I was fed up with the Brazilian bombshell. After class was over, I was fuming. Why on earth did she spend so much time correcting other people in class? She shows them how to hold their heads, how to place their arms and legs, how to breathe correctly. Why won't she show me? Every time she walked by me she would just smile and count, but not a word of encouragement or any help.

So I had had enough. After 18 weeks of Pilates I was going to ask her why she doesn't help me in class. I marched right up to her and said, "um, hey Simone. You never correct me in class. And you seem to spend a lot of time with the other students. What am I doing wrong?" She looked at me stunned. Then, in her fun Brazilian accent she said, "You have great posture and really understand the principles behind Pilates and the breathing. I never thought I had to correct you."

I sheepishly thanked her and tried to laugh it off. "So I am good?" "You are very guuud in this class!" She answered.

Maybe next time I will give myself more credit. I love Pilates! I am very guuud at it...ha ha ha.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Red Lipstick

Today I got up, let the dog out, got dressed, threw on a little make up, then hopped in my car. On the way to work I started craving red lips. I though, who cares it is 8 am and bright red lips aren't really a day thing?

So at the first stop light I grabbed my purse, dug out my Bare Essentials finest Plum Brulee lip stick and slathered it all over my lips. Then I topped it off with a little Breathless gloss from Benefit (which is just a red shine), made a kissy face and was on my way.

I love red lips, no matter what time of day. They make me feel like Marilyn, or Madonna, or Mae West. She probably went to bed in red lipstick. I felt empowered, lovely, sexy and ready to conquer my day.

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Salad Junkie

For those of you who don't know, I have been seeing a dietitian for about 6 weeks now. I am trying to get off all this "unexplainable" weight that I have put on over the last 10 years. We can totally ignore the fact that I went from working out every day of my life and barely having time to eat, let alone a social life, to all the time on my hands in the world to party and socialize and hang out with friends and meet new people, try new things (which in the BG* that was mostly trying new places to eat and drink). I would say college was the beginning of my "stall".

But, the past is the past and here we are to the present. And I have a long road ahead of me. Luckily "Dr.Ray" has been great. He makes me write everything down, what I eat, what I do during the day, how much I work out, how much water I drink... I started noticing that I eat a lot of salad.

Now, I have a bit of a crazy mom for those of you who don't know. And if you didn't know, you obviously don't hang we me or Damie much. I can remember her eating one thing, and one thing only...shredded lettuce. And she put some pretty weird stuff in there. Sometimes she would cook those Lean Cuisines that were "Mexican" entrees and mix them in her lettuce, or she would melt cheese, or she would just add mustard. Now, I in no way condone this type of eating or think it is even remotely healthy, but something about it did rub off on me.

Today for lunch I had a Tuscan Pesto Chicken salad. Tomorrow I am having a Waldorf Chicken salad. Thursday (and I have this EVERY Thursday) I will be having a classic Chicken Cesar salad. Fridays are usually a sandwich and plain salad day.

So much roughage you say? Well, let's say I definitely don't have any trouble in certain areas...ha ha ha. But my salads are loaded with wholesome goodness. I almost always pack them with spinach leaves, broccoli, healthy proteins like chicken and nuts, dressings are almost always an olive oil base with spices, b/c Dr. Ray says I need to eat more healthy fats.

And on the days I don't eat salads? (Which is usually just on Sunday, hey everyone needs a day of rest.) I crave them. I miss them the way I miss sugar when I eat some and then cut myself off. Salads are addictive and if you do it right, totally awesome for you. I suggest for those with sweet tooths to put apples and pears in them and even a little pineapple. Those make for some great salad!

So far I have lost about 13 pounds. I have gotten up to 4 miles running for about 60 minutes. I am trying to hit 4 and a half this week. It is kind of amazing that every time I start to think about cheating or not going to work out, I think about going to see the doc in a few weeks. And I immediately put the cookie down and do my Pilates video (it is only 20 minutes and I can't even do half of the stuff). Or I grab Zinny and Boone and make them go outside and chase me.
So right now salads are my thing. Who knows? Maybe when I lose more weight clothes will be my thing! Oh, can I afford that?!?!?!

*BG- Bowling Green Kentucky- This is where I went to college. When I was in school, there were more restaurants per capita than any other place in America. Lots of places to eat, very little to do.

Thursday, September 25, 2008

To The Dogs

I dare say that I have great dogs. Zinny and Boone just make me light up when I come home from work. They wag their tails, they dart anxiously towards the door when I open it, they give me a few licks before they run off outside to chase squirrels and go potty.

Then, as quickly as it came, it passes. Zinny growls at Boone for laying too close to her on the couch, on the floor, on the dog beds. Boone bites off Zinny's tags from her collar and chews on them. Every 30 minutes they jump up and dart to the back door, expecting to be let out, just to turn right around and bark at the back door to be let in. Boone has the stinkiest bottom of any dog I know. Zinny has got to be the brattiest dog I know.

So, I have decided not to just watch Cesar and his training, but I am trying to put some of it into practice. I am now taking the dogs on extended walks every afternoon when I get home from work. I am rewarding them for good behavior and ignoring them when they act bad to get my attention. I am trying to treat them more like my dogs in my pack and less like my little munchkins.

How is it all going? Well, I am the first to admit I have no patience. So, I am sure they are getting just as frustrated with me as I am with them. But, I did teach Boone how to sit. Both Zinny and Boone know they have to sit before coming into the house or going outside. Now, whether or not they actually do sit, depends on how long they have been "cooped up" on the back porch. Walks are getting progressively "better", but we are a long ways away from any big steps. At the end of the day, the dogs are happy, plumpy and tired. So I guess we are doing something right. Now if I could just get Jon to put the toilet seat down and put the dishes up!

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

I Give Myself 6 Months

This is a test to see how long I will really continue with this blog. I like to start things, but rarely finish. I get bored, I get distracted, I have no long term stamina, except when it comes to watching NASCAR. I will set aside 30 minutes every day to collect my thoughts, experiences and wisdoms, and write about them. Hopefully I don't bore anyone, or myself to death. But, I lead a pretty interesting life from time to time. So, let's see what comes of it...the blog that is.